keskiviikkona, maaliskuuta 6

Homin in helium

One and Only One (I admit I made it slightly faster too, but only a teeny tiny bit.)

I think this one is even better. This one is where Yunho and Changmin were sabotaged while recording. Someone slowly filled their studio with helium.

I don't like any lalalalalaa parts in songs

They make me feel like the writer couldn't come up with any real lyrics. And they just generally annoy me.

So this happens. I think this is now way better and I can listen to it. Thank you JYJ for providing useful material for once. I can hardly hear the damn lalallakhlkhgklhg from your cackling.

torstaina, helmikuuta 28


I considered not posting this video because we kind of suck. But then I thought "whatever". A lot of people already saw this live and we gave the organizers permission to post it to YouTube, but for some reason they didn't/couldn't do it and just sent us the video. So here is us trying to dance to TVXQ's Mirotic and failing with timing pretty bad. 

Whoever filmed this obviously liked Hemi a lot. I hope the other two won't kill me for posting this, but even with our failing this was kind of a big thing for us to even take part in the competition. It was a fun experience.

tiistaina, helmikuuta 19

SHINee Dream Girl

I wanted to try making a reaction video, but this MV left me so speechless watching my reactions is probably super boring. Watching my video bombing cat is most likely to be more interesting. I like the video. I like it a lot. I love colors and the clothes are fun and the song is not bad. I don't have much to say. Taemin is so cute and not in the way he used to be. Now he's cute in a manly way. Kind of.

I'll upload my reaction here so you can all look at my stupid speechless face and hear me trying to speak English. I should have done this in Finnish, but it's done now. Maybe next time.

I watched the dance version too and of course I like it. SHINee are great dancers and the choreography was nice. 

I just can't help that I tend to pay more attention to the artist's clothes than what is actually happening in the video. That's why I always have to watch everything several times. This happens to me with every artist, but the more colorful or complicated the clothes are, the more I get distracted by them XD

perjantaina, helmikuuta 8

School is almost over

I haven't written anything for a while and I still don't feel like making a post about everything that's happened since the last time I wrote. I'll try doing that during this weekend, but won't promise anything.

This is a post about everything I've made at school during the last 2 and a half years. I will be graduating in less than two months hopefully, so I wanted to take pictures of everything. Or at least everything I still have here.

I got lazy with the editing so I just painted most of the background white :) Those who have been to my place might even know where I was standing.

I thought about putting these in order but lol no.
First year. Jacket and pants. I made two of these pants actually and I had another jacket like this already, these were for a cosplay hahaha.

Shirt second year. Skirt third year.

Third year, skirt and blazer.

Second year, shirt.

the sleeve of the shirt in the previous picture. You can't see all the little buttons in the big picture.

First year, skirt.

Second year, hoodie.

Second year, dress.

Same dress with a little jacket.

Second year, shirt and pants.

Same pants different shirt.

First year. pants. (I can't use these anymore, I lost weight and now they're too big. I've been meaning to fix them.)

Same pants and shirt with a west that was an extra thing I just wanted to do when I had nothing else. Obviously  I made it when KR W was on lol because Philip.

Third year, jacket and skirt. These were for my grandmother and unfortunately I don't have a picture of her wearing them.

I don't look so great at the moment so I cut my head off of all the pics XD You don't need my head there anyway.

Then I've of course made a few cosplay outfits at home. I'll just add those here even though I guess most people who follow this blog have already seen them.

Babydoll from Sucker punch.

Shuuji and Akira from Nobuta wo produce.  See this is the  outfit from the very first pic of this post, but here it looks the way it's supposed to.

Balloons Jaejoong. This was so much fun and I had a Yunho with me, but I had nothing to do with his outfit so she's not in the pic. This is actually the only pic I have of me alone.

The way U are Jaejoong and I made most of Changmin's outfit too. Yunho made her own  outfit, but I didn't want to cut her out of the pic.
There. That should be all. I think. I don't remember making anything else. Except for two skirts that I gave away and don't have pictures of and some stuff that are not clothes and I made a post about them ages ago.

edit. I forgot this one: 

edit.2 these were missing: 
Third year. Party dress.

Frond, back, side on a doll.

Third year. Jacket.